Presentation Skills Training

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

Presentation Skills

It’s not just about WHAT you say, but HOW you say it

At Playfully we’re passionate about helping you unleash your potential as a brilliant presenter in order to deliver your presentation, speech or keynote with authenticity, confidence and impact.

Many presenters focus on just the content of their presentation but neglect the delivery. But how you deliver your content is a huge part of the audience experience and how you move and make the audience FEEL.

It’s not just about WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. And the ENERGY you bring to the presentation.

In order to inspire others, you first need to be inspired!

My approach to presentation skills focuses on the delivery of your content and how you can deliver like a master.

I believe that YOU are the presentation. The audience should be focused on you, not the slides. Slides are there to support you and not the other way around.

We offer our Presentation Skills workshops in-person and online.

Presentation Skills Workshop

What if you could present with confidence to a packed room, and instead of relying on your slides and bullet points, YOU became the presentation. So that you could inspire, impact and influence your audience.

What’s passion got to do with it? A lot actually. To begin with passion is contagious. Think back to a time when you’ve listened to a passionate presenter. It’s almost impossible not to be moved by their energy.

The framework for our ‘Passion to Presence’ workshop consists of the three P’s of presenting: Passion, Practice, Presence. Without passion and practice, it’s almost impossible to present with presence.

Many people just focus on the content of their presentation and neglect the delivery. But the delivery, your verbal and non-verbal tools, make up a huge part of communication as a whole.

Passion to Presence focuses on the delivery of your content and how you can deliver like a master.

The workshop is hands on as I invite you to participate in a presentation exercise. Your presentations are recorded in order to evaluate and provide feedback, which is always done with care and consideration. We’ll then look at ways for you to improve your presentation and train effective verbal and non-verbal skills so that you learn how to deliver like a master.

The objectives of the workshop are to:

  1. Help you unleash your potential as a confident, passionate presenter.

  2. Train effective verbal and non-verbal delivery skills including vocal variety, body language, stage presence and audience engagement.

  3. To show you the impact of presenting with authentic passion.

Workshop Length: Half day or Full day

Electrolux, Online Presentation Skills Training

Passion to Presence Workshop Online

Presentation Skills Workshop with Tacton Team

Here's how my presentation skills training can help you:

  1. Business Pitches - if you need to deliver a persuasive pitch to an investor, partner or client and effectively communicate the value of your idea or product.

  2. Professional Development - effective presentations can enhance your ability to convey information, persuade others, and leave a lasting impact.

  3. Team Collaboration - skilled presenters can create better project outcomes, improved teamwork, and increased productivity.

  4. Public Speaking Engagement - I help you deliver impactful speeches, connect with the audience, and manage stage fright.